how to live out your fullest potential and be the church in all spheres of influence

Hvordan leve ut ditt fulleste potensial og VÆRE KIRKEN i alle OMRÅDER I SAMFUNNET..

Ignite Live in Norway

Save the date: Friday 14th, 15th & 16th of June, 2024

A clip from previous Ignite Live

Join the #1 Experience for entrepreneurs and those that are in the marketplace that desire to change the culture

Bli med på #1-opplevelsen for gründere og de som er på markedsplassen og ønsker å forandre kulturen.

With fresh content from voices that want to help you be a voice to influence and impact



Anders T. Bjorvand

Anders (52) er utdannet sivilingeniør ved NTNU med spesialisering innen kunstig intelligens. Han har også en MBA-grad fra NHH i Bergen.

Anders er gift og har to voksne døtre og bor i Askim. Anders jobber med gründerskap både operativt, på styrenivå, som mentor og som investor.

Hans fokus område er teknologibedrifter som bidrar til det grønne skiftet og som på andre måter bidrar til positive samfunnsendringer.

Mariana & Jorge Hernandez

Jorge and Mariana are passionate about teaching and helping people get to financial freedom through Real Estate, breaking down complex subjects and making them simple and actionable.

They have a heart to strategize and transform whole neighborhoods, cities and countries in all areas of society! They have an expert eye for design and love making homes beautiful and efficient to people’s lifestyle. They have lots of tools under their belts to guide you on investing. Through their coaching programs they have been guiding many on how to find, buy, renovate and sell properties or get it rented/Airbnb!

They live in Kansas City with their 2 beautiful kids Mackenzie and Lorenzo and toy poodle Mili.

Toril Nygreen Grave

Toril Nygreen Grave har mer enn 20 års bedriftserfaring og elsker arbeidet sitt som lederutvikler, coachtrener og coach.

Gjennom TNG Consulting leverer hun coaching og lederutvikling for noen av Norges største bedrifter. Toril er MCC sertifisert, har tidligere vært president i ICF Norge og er en av grunnleggerne av LEARN Coaching.

Toril er en tøff coach, som utfordrer ledere til å ta ansvar både for sine egne prestasjoner og bedriftens strategi. Utvikling av mennesker har alltid vært Torils lidenskap, og før hun ble konsulent jobbet hun som HR Manager i et rederi.

Marianne Eide

Programleder for podcastene og Vendepunkt og Fullt Potensial.

Veileder, coach og talkshow-vertinne i foretaket Fullt Potensial.

Programleder for «Vendepunkt-spesial» på kanal 10.

Jobber ellers som familieveileder og miljøterapeut

Jenny Bergh

Jenny Bergh har lang erfaring fra et bredt spekter av bransjer som coach, lederutvikler, fasilitator, leder og pastor. Jenny er grunnleggeren av KHRAFT, driver podkasten «Coaching och Ledarskap». Jenny er PCC sertifisert, har tidligere sittet i styret for ICF Sweden, og er en av grunnleggerne av LEARN Coaching.

Jenny er en engasjert fasilitator med høy faglig integritet. Hun er kjent for sin store lidenskap for å utvikle og utfordre ledere og – til det beste for menneskene de leder. Hun leverer coaching og lederutvikling for lokale gründere, oppstartsbedrifter i vekst og store bedrifter.

Tatenda Melissa

Tate is a Christian/Conservative Author, Activist, Political Commentator and Social Media Influencer.

Born and raised in Africa, Melissa came to the United States at the age of nineteen to attend college, where she earned a degree in Business Administration.

After working for a large bank for three years as an investment advisor, Melissa started her own business. By age twenty-seven, Tate had a thriving small business with several employees. She is married to her college sweetheart and is, today, a mother of four. They live in Florida.

Silje Hansen

Silje bor i Bergen, Norge, sammen med sin ektemann Kjartan og sine 2 gutter.

Hun har bakgrunn som fysioterapeut, personlig trener og coach, og har drevet sitt eget selskap i snart 20 år, hvor hun hjelper mennesker til en sunnere og friskere livsstil.

Hun brenner for at mennesker skal få møte Jesus og Hans kraft til radikal livstransformasjon.

What you'll learn at Ignite Live?

GOAL = Ignite and Unlock your God-given calling so that you will impact and influence where you are called to be!

MÅL = «Blås liv i» og og «lås opp» ditt Gudgitte kall slik at du kan på virke den nisjen hvor Gud kaller deg til å være!


Get clarity in your royal identity and your message, so that you can be a voice to those you are called to serve.


Get authentic relationship with others between denominations and generations.


Get inspired to hear the voice of God for yourself, so that He can guide you in this season.

What does Ignite the World stand for?


  • are a force that ignites the flames of innovation and empowerment

  • are a catalyst for growth

  • are beacons of hope

  • are a community convinced we can accomplish more together than alone

  • are those who do not fear change but rather ignite it


We inspire, motivate, and support one another.

We transform dreams into reality; ideas into action.

We ignite vision for a better world.

We ignite the sparks that light the way forward.

We encourage bold and courageous action for positive change.

We make a path for stepping out of comfort zones.

We lead the challenge of the status quo.

We foster critical thinking.

We empower individuals to make informed decisions for a better future.

We encourage resilience, tenacity, and endurance in the face of challenges.

Ignite Change.

Ignite the Future.

Join the Movement.

dear friends in norway,

It is time...

It is time for you to step out and be a voice. It is time for you to find the courage within you and share the message God have put in your heart. It is time for you to get out of your own comfort zone and break boundaries inside of yourself to be light and salt in this world.

It is time for YOU to rise up and change the culture we are living in today!

Who am I?

Vibeke was adopted from South Korea when she was 3 months old and then grew up in Norway.

From being a professional dancer to becoming an entrepreneur, she has experienced the blood, sweat and tears of working towards her purpose.

Vibeke has been an award winning franchise owner, a TV host for faith based TV, award winning sales agent for IT, director of sales & online marketing. She have coached and mentored many into starting their business and ministries.

Today she helps believers to build their Audience and share their God-given message with the world through coaching and digital marketing.

Her passion is to see unity among Christian denominations and between the generations. Inspiring believers to walk out their fullest potential as leaders in all the spheres of society is something she breathes and practices everyday!

She loves to play with her son Judah and cook healthy food. Kombucha is her favorite drink ;-) Together with her husband, they both have a huge passion to help end child sex trafficking.

Imagine what life will be like when you finally step into your fullest potential?

“Vibeke has a genuine love for people”

She has an ability to see the gifts and opportunities in other people. She inspired me to take new steps in my life, and encouraged me and helped when I needed it the most. Her positive attitude and knowledge in business, church matters and human beings are greatly appreciated. She is not only a person who gives of herself, she is a listener and gets quickly into people’s situation. I highly recommend her coaching services.

- Jostein skevik, pastor & video/photography

what other people say:

What you'll learn at Ignite Live

how would life feel if you could...


Know Who You Are


Know Where You Are Today: Assessing Your Current Reality


Know Where You Want to Go: Clarifying Your Vision and Values


Create a Plan: Strategizing for Purposeful Achievement

David Forlu accomplished musical artist and worship leader

"Ignite Live was life changing to me and my family"


but don't wait to sign up

Extremely Limited Time

We have limited space to 100 people!

Prices will also go up May 15th!

So be sure to sign up today to secure your spot.

Real People + Real Results

what other say:

Claire McClung

“She calls people forward.”

If I can sum up Vibeke in 2 words, it would be “calling-forth”. She calls people forward! She have excellency and everything she does is unto the Lord. I love her!"

Marit Joys Wigart

“She genuinely desires the best of other...”

I have known Vibeke for over 20 years and I will say that one of her greatest attributes is that she genuinely desires the best of other people. She wants to see them succeed in every area of life and raise up to become everything God has called them to be. She cares deeply and has the ability to truly and sincerely rejoice in others success, which I believe is a quality that makes the receiver feel truly loved and valued.


Frequently Asked Questions.


Please choose if you want to have a double room or single room for the weekend. Prices is per person.


Storstua Omsorgs- og Konferansesenter

Hotellveien 2

3440 Røyken



Meals are included during the event, even if you will not be sleeping at the hotel. First meal will be on Friday at 17.00.


Vibeke Elisabeth




ignite live [ink. mat og billett]

2100 NOK

Ignite Live dobbeltrom [2 netter, mat og billett] *per person

3300 NOK

Ignite Live enkeltrom [2 netter, mat og billett]

3500 NOK

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ignite live [ink. mat og billett] 2100,- nok



* 3300,- NOK



Kjære gjest, kjenner du noen som gjerne skulle blitt med på dette eventet, men ikke har finanser til å bli med?

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